Introducing Peel Recruit

15 Jun 2023

Introducing Peel Recruit

Many of you may know and love us as Peel Solutions but we are going through some changes – for the better. Don’t worry Peel Solutions is going no where, we are just refining our offerings to ensure we are more ‘user friendly’ and to make the whole process clearer for you! Here’s what’s happening…

With a strong commitment to delivering high-quality services to our clients in the law enforcement sector, we are introducing Peel Recruit—a dedicated branch that will continue to offer you the same support and opportunities as Peel Solutions did just with a seamless process.

The Evolution of Peel Solutions:

Since our inception in 2016, Peel Solutions has been at the forefront of providing experienced former law enforcement professionals to police forces across the UK. We have supported investigations, provided intelligence, assisted with case files, conducted analysis, and much more. Our commitment to delivering top-tier recruitment services has been unwavering, and the trust we have built with our clients has been instrumental in our growth.

With our expansion and desire to offer tailored solutions, we are proud to introduce Peel Recruit—the culmination of our efforts to provide bespoke, specialized services. Peel Recruit will continue to deliver exceptional recruitment services that are tailored to the unique needs of our clients. This dedicated branch will ensure that we have the flexibility to cater to individual requirements, providing a seamless experience for law enforcement agencies seeking the best talent in the field.

Where does that leave Peel Solutions?

Peel Solutions is not going anywhere. In fact, we’re excited to tell you that we are re-launching the Peel Solutions brand with a renewed focus on delivering innovative people-driven solutions. Our aim is to support law enforcement agencies in their fight against crime and their mission to protect the public. With a fresh perspective and a range of services, we are ready to offer reliable and effective solutions to support core policing activities.

Peel Solutions now push forward with our four vital pillars, each geared towards addressing specific needs:

  • Peel Teams: This division focuses on enhancing the capacity and capabilities of law enforcement agencies by providing experienced professionals who can seamlessly integrate into existing teams. We understand the importance of having the right people in the right roles to drive success.
  • Peel Projects: Law enforcement agencies often have specific goals and objectives that require specialized expertise or additional resources. Our Peel Projects division is designed to provide comprehensive support to reach those milestones efficiently and effectively.
  • Peel Consultancy: Our experienced consultants provide expert advice and guidance to law enforcement agencies, offering insights, recommendations, and strategic direction. We understand the challenges faced by our clients and are dedicated to helping them navigate complex situations.
  • Peel Training: Continuous professional development is vital for law enforcement professionals to stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape. Peel Training offers a range of educational resources, workshops, and training programs to enhance skills and foster personal growth.

The introduction of Peel Recruit and the redefined services of Peel Solutions mark an exciting turning point for our organisation. We are proud to continue our journey of innovation, delivering reliable, effective, and people-driven solutions to support law enforcement agencies in their critical work. We are confident that these changes will empower us to serve our clients better, strengthen our partnerships, and make a positive impact in the field of law enforcement.

Keep your eyes peeled as we embark on this exciting new chapter. You can check out our brand new Peel Solutions website and services here.